Help Keep Your Indoor Cat Healthy & Happy

Did you know that 81% of domesticated North American cats are indoor cats? Help make their indoor habitat a little more natural with tips and advice for making them feel right at home. Click on the dots below to find out how to raise your indoor cat right!

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Dinner time!

Find out how you can provide your indoor cat with tailored nutrition that fits their lifestyle.



Nurture your indoor cat’s instincts by keeping them engaged & entertained at home.

Engagement tips

Keep them hydrated

Find out how to make sure you’re providing your indoor cat with enough hydration.

Hydration tips


Help curb your indoor cat’s pesky hairballs with these tips.



Find out why the type & placement of your indoor cat’s litter box is so important.


INDOOR CAT Nutrition

Just like us, indoor cats have specific nutritional and dietary needs. Here are some tips for providing your indoor cat with the right nutrition to help them stay happy and healthy.

Does your cat require weight maintenance or management?

Indoor cats tend to be less active, so helping them manage and maintain a healthy weight is important. Does your indoor cat require a Weight Management or Weight Maintenance recipe, and what is the difference?





For Weight Management

Weight management diets focus on getting cats to their ideal weight, making it perfect for indoor cats who may be overweight.

For Maintenance

When your indoor cat reaches their ideal weight, weight maintenance recipes help maintain their weight based on their ideal body condition.

The Difference Between Weight
Maintenance & Management

The importance of hydration

Do you feel like your indoor cat doesn’t use their water bowl enough? Cats have a very low thirst drive, so it’s important to ensure they’re getting enough hydration in their daily life.


Cats can get sufficient hydration from water alone



It’s important to incorporate wet food into your cat’s diet in order to provide them with sufficient hydration.


Cats can get sufficient hydration from water alone



It’s recommended that you put their water bowl away from their food bowl. They may not enjoy the scent, but they also might prefer to “hunt” for their water elsewhere.


Cats can get sufficient hydration from water alone



Each lap only brings approximately 3/100ths of a teaspoon into their body! Incorporate wet food into their daily diet to ensure your indoor cat is getting the hydration they need.

Vet Approved Hydration Tips

NutritIous & Hydrating Wet Food Recommendations

Help support your cat’s needs with wet food crafted with hydrating and delicious bone broth, in 2 tempting textures.

Did you Know?
Cats Have Texture Preference

Curb Your Indoor Cat’s Hairballs

Your indoor cat can end up in a hairy situation by getting hairballs due to grooming and other factors. Thankfully there’s an easy way to help prevent them with the right nutrition.

What are hairballs?

When cats groom themselves, they often ingest fur that can accumulate and end up being regurgitated, causing health issues.

What prevents hairballs?

Diet and grooming can play a large role in preventing hairballs and symptoms. Regularly grooming your cat, as well as feeding them a fiber-rich diet, can both help prevent and alleviate hairballs.


We all know where your cat’s food goes, and ACANA™ dry cat food can help support your cat’s digestion to help make litterbox cleanup a little easier. Here’s how you can help make your indoor cat feel more comfortable when nature calls.

What litter do they prefer?

There are many different types of litter, and cats have strong sensory preferences. We recommend trying different types at first to determine what you and your cat like best.

What kind of box do they want?

It’s important to choose a litter box that makes your cat feel comfortable. Depending on your cat’s life stage, they may prefer one with easier access. Test different boxes to see what your cat prefers.

Location, location, location!

Cats prefer their litter box to be in a safe, convenient area. Make sure you place it in an area they typically wander into or explore often to make it easy for them to find.

Get More
Litter Box Tips

Easy Ways to Keep Your Indoor Cat Engaged

Cats can have just as much fun indoors as outdoors. Nurture your indoor cat’s natural instincts to hunt and explore with these DIY activities & easy tips. Share your DIYs with us on Instagram using #ACANADIY!

DIY Forage Mat

Appeal to your cat’s inner hunter by crafting a fun, nutritious & delicious forage mat that will keep them occupied and entertained.

Download Instructions

DIY Cat Cave

Satisfy to your indoor cat’s need for a safe, private space to hide in with this cute & easy cat cave DIY!

Download Instructions

Additional Ways to Bond with your Indoor Cat

Here are some other simple and engaging ways to keep your indoor cat happy & healthy in your home.

Get Grooming

Set up some time to regularly groom your cat. Not only will it help prevent hairballs and shedding, it’s a great way to bond with your cat!

Feed Them Treats

Every good cat deserves a treat, and we recommend feeding your cat nutritious & delicious treats. ACANA™ Lickables treats come with unique health benefits and they’re highly palatable, helping any indoor cat stay engaged and excited.

Try Enrichment

Prevent indoor boredom by setting up plenty of toys for your cat, as well as providing them with safe & secluded hiding spots.

How to Engage Indoor
Cats vs. Outdoor Cats